May 24, 2024

Seabed minerals key for the energy transition

Seabed minerals was presented as one of the five most important areas within renewable energy at the Energiskiftet conference in Stavanger.

Seabed minerals key for the energy transition

Jaran Rystad gave the opening speech on the status and outlook. Yes, there are some bumps in the road, but there is no stopping the energy transition. Especially the solar power industry is growing rapidly globally, while offshore wind holds the largest potential in Norway and our surroundings.

As renewable energy requires more metals than the current fossil energy system, the need for minerals is increasing rapidly. Several of the metals critical for the energy transition minerals can be found in vast amounts on the seabed.  

Jon Hellevang, R&D Manager in GCE Ocean Technology was one of four speakers in the seabed minerals session. Hellevang gave his perspectives on the possibility of establishing a competitive value chain and what it will take to succeed for seabed minerals. He gave examples of ongoing projects, including the EMINENT project.

Norway has all the possibilities to take a leading role in responsible seabed mining. We have resources in our own exclusive economic zone, a good public management system, a strong offshore industry and an onshore processing industry.

The industry has recently nominated blocks for the first licensing round for seabed mineral activities in Norway. It will be exciting to follow the work forward with plans to award licenses in the spring of 2025.